Tips to Improve Memory

Effective learning can only be achieved if you are able to focus your complete attention on what you are trying to learn.

  • Read, Read, Read:

    Reading your textbook, academic journals and articles will broaden your understanding. Make shorter notes for yourself and study your own notes.

  • Listen to audio:

    Listen to audio on the topic and write down some key notes on what is being said so that you can better understand the subject you are learning.

  • Write things down:

    Make your own notes from what you have read in the textbook. Write questions and answer them later. These can be questions from your textbook or even questions you think are likely to come in the exam. This is a good way to test your understanding of what you learnt and help you remember it.

  • Talk out loud:

    You can read the topic out loud or try teaching it to someone else.

  • Mind mapping:

    Mind maps are a great way to break down information into a simple diagram which can be remembered easily. They are also a good way to test whether you know the subject matter. You can redraw the diagram and leave gaps to check if you can fill them in again or whether you can discuss the topic in more detail by only looking at the key headings on the mind map.

  • Test yourself:

    Use past exam papers. This is great for not only testing your knowledge but also familiarising yourself with the exam format and structure, which will help you settle into the exam much quicker and easier.

  • Practise:

    To improve memory it is important to keep going back over information that you learn using different formats of learning.

  • Eat properly:

    Fueling the mind is an essential element of increasing focus and concentration. Students learn much better when they are well nourished. How often you eat and what you eat can also impact your energy levels significantly.